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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Water/Effluent Treatment

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We collaborate with multiple companies who specialise in a range of areas from Clean Water processing to Waste Water treatments ensuring the safety of our communities for decades. These industries all come under strict controls and regulations with a requirement for the site to be consistent and effective to the highest possible standards.

The companies concern for aging infrastructure has led to us working with them to modernise and develop more intuitive and intelligent solutions, to improve the treatment process for use – and reuse – of our limited water supply.

Within the Effluent sector there are many challenges to reduce BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) & COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and ammonia at their production sites. With a unique set of wastewater treatment challenges. That include flow variations as well as having a wastewater influent that is consistently changing in composition the system helps ensure that the production sites consistently meet regulatory discharge requirements. 

The control systems are scaled to suit the customer and project requirements, from small push button controls up to HMI’s and full SCADA Systems.

Developing control systems utilising the latest control methodologies we make complicated control system easy to use.

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